
What Are The Symptoms Of Tongue Cancer?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Few main tongue cancer symptoms to look for consist of a white or red spots on the tongue, gum, or on mouth lining. Other tongue cancer symptoms include problem or pain in chewing or eating, and a sore throat that doesn't leave, pain in ear, change in the voice, and abnormal bleeding, or lack of sensation in the mouth.

Remember that these are tongue cancer symptoms and might also be caused by any other unrelated health issues. So it is always better to visit your doctor before coming up with your own diagnosis.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi I am really scared my tounges been feeling like its swelled on 1 side but its not.. And now all of a sudden 2-4 weeks later I have red spots ( the same as the normal small ones on the toungue just 1 of them has become enlarged and now iunder it is a  white spot and when I inspect closely it looks like streak of white on that side of the tongue, also its become  slightly irritating, painful  and also more and more it keeps looking like the tounge cancer pictures on the internet. :S

I am 30. In this last year I have smoked 1-2 packets per day and drnks alcohol (a lot 6-20 drinks) perday along with smokingand not taking good dental care so I am really  really worried. Everyone says see a doctor and I will when they give me a doctros time. But .. Arethere any other things t could be and what ??
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Is an indentation in the lateral surface of the tongue which is not caused by a tooth or appliance a possible sign of cancer?

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