
I Have A Small Red Spotty Rash All Over My Body From Head To Toes, Can Be Itchy?


4 Answers

Ellie Hoe Profile
Ellie Hoe answered
It is possible that you might be having allergic reactions. Many allergen can cause this spotty rash all over the body. It can be due to medicines or any ingested allergen. Contact allergy is also possible. Liver disorders can also cause sever itching.

Treatment of allergic reactions is by taking oral anti allergy medicines and applying topical corticosteroids. But all anti allergy medicines will become fail if allergen is not removed. Ideally, you should visit a dermatologist for differential diagnosis and treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
but I have the same thing and would like to get rid of it
because it it terrible itchy!!
Does anyone know how to get rid of it ??
Or to sooth it , to stop the itching
...I have tried suncream but this doesn't really help
any ideas on how to get rid of it ..please tell me because its driving me mad !
Thank you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Me too put a lot of cream everyday it will slowly go or you might have acne so see your doctor
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I also have very bad rash all over my body!!! But I use this "Betnovate RD Ointment"cream that my doctor gave me know  it is sort of going away. I am very confidend with my skin know.HAPPY

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