Laryngitis is that condition in which the larynx or the voice box gets inflamed and causes one to talk in a hoarse voice which hurts the throat, or causes one to lose hi voice completely for that period of time. The larynx constitutes of the vocal chords which, when get an infection, swell up and cause the above mentioned conditions.
Laryngitis is an infection which affects the upper respiratory order and in most cases goes away by itself, without any remedies. But her are a few tips by which you can make it less painful and heal faster:
Antibiotics cannot really cure a virus, the best option would be to consult your doctor and find out what medicine you can take. Also, if you are a smoker, it would help if you refrained from smoking. You can also make use of a humidifier to get rid of that scratchy sensation.
Laryngitis is an infection which affects the upper respiratory order and in most cases goes away by itself, without any remedies. But her are a few tips by which you can make it less painful and heal faster:
Antibiotics cannot really cure a virus, the best option would be to consult your doctor and find out what medicine you can take. Also, if you are a smoker, it would help if you refrained from smoking. You can also make use of a humidifier to get rid of that scratchy sensation.