
What Illnesses Cause A Low Absolute Lymphocyte Count?


5 Answers

Luke Wilcox Profile
Luke Wilcox answered
Being worried about a low absolute lymphocyte count is only necessary under some specific conditions. There are some illnesses that cause a low lymphocyte count.

Lymphocytes are the cells of the body that are involved in the immune mechanism. These are the commonly known white blood cells.

The most common reason for a decreased lymphocyte count is an underlying viral infection. As more and more lymphocytes will be involved in fighting off the infection, the count of the lymphocytes would be low when tested.

As the viral infection is totally combated by the body, the count will be recovered in a matter of a few weeks.

The point of concern in this case is the infection caused by HIV. With this virus in the body, 'opportunistic' pathogens (that do not usually cause an infection in a normal individual) will cause an infection in the body of the patient.

Another reason for a low lymphocyte count is aplastic anaemia. In this condition, the bone marrow where the lymphocytes are made does not function properly and thus the count of the lymphocytes is decreased.

There are certain hereditary conditions where the bone marrow does not produce a normal amount of the lymphocytes, thus resulting in a low count of lymphocytes.

Some treatments and drugs cause a drop in the number of lymphocytes too. People who are undergoing radiation therapy, chemotherapy or taking steroids will have a low lymphocytes count making them more susceptible for infections.

Some neurological diseases can also cause a decreased lymphocytes count. Diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and Guillain-Barre Syndrome are examples of such neurological diseases.

Auto-immune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis will also cause a dramatic drop in their count.

Certain types of cancers, especially the ones concerning the blood and lymph, can also cause a low lymphocytes count.

So a low absolute lymphocyte count can be due to an infection, drugs, therapy or some diseases.

A differential blood count performed in lab can detect a low absolute lymphocytes count.

If a person's lymphocytes count is slightly low, then the test can be repeated after some time and it might not be an indication of a serious problem. But if the count is too low, then a serious problem could be the cause of the low lymphocytes count.
Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
There are three diseases which can cause the patient to suffer from a low absolute lymphocyte count. The three diseases which can cause the patient to suffer from a low absolute lymphocyte count are aplastic anaemia (which is abbreviated as AA), myelodysplastic syndromes (which is abbreviated as MDS) and paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (which is abbreviated as PNH).

If a patient is suffering from any of these diseases, the two symptoms he or she is most likely to have is a low absolute lymphocyte count and persistent fever, which is characterised by a high temperature. The most critical issues to be kept in mind while treating a patient who is suffering from any of these three diseases are what is the absolute neutrophil count of the patient, what is the absolute lymphocyte count of the patient, whether the patient has a central line or some other foreign body in his or her body, whether he or she has any of the symptoms such as chills, low blood pressure, sweating or rapid breathing and whether he or she has a source for the infection on his or her physical examination.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I have WBC count for as long as I can remember, I am 47 yrs old, my providers are always alarm at my numbers. I am not sick, I don't get sick easily and this is beginning to bother me as I get older. I consider myself to be relatively healthy except for Low back pain. I am being referred to a hematologist for a second time, Is it possible for low wbc count to be normal in some races or people?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Keeping an eye on the lymphocyte levels in your blood stream is very important, as there are several conditions associated with changes in your lymphocyte count.

One of the more serious illnesses is Lymphocytic Leukaemia.

The biggest danger with this condition is that the symptoms can be difficult to spot without expert knowledge.

Identifying these symptoms and seeking treatment early will increase the survival rate and quality of life dramatically.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the lymphocytes low.. Why? My hemoglobin is 14.30 / the hematocrit is 42.00 / whit blood count 6.50 and the red blood count is 4.75....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I take 1000 MG hydroxyurea per day and my absolute monocytes are 2200 cells/ub Does the hydroxyurea cause this?

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