My Knee Is Swollen And It Hurts When I Put Pressure On It. Can You Help?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am a 46 yr old women and my right knee started hurting and it is also very swollen I can barely
walk on it.What wrong
Janet Simmons Profile
Janet Simmons answered
I agree with could be just a mild or more severe sprain, but then could be a torn ligament.  Just to be sure I'd see my Dr.  Until you can get in to see your Dr. You should treat it with 15 minutes on then 15 minutes off with an ice pack and elevated with a pillow underneath while lying on your bed or couch.  This will relieve some of the swelling, and as long as you are not allergic I would also take some Advil or some other anti-inflammatory to help alleviate the pain and the swelling.  Good Luck!! Janes
marquavious linton Profile
Go to see a doctor  because I would go to see a doc
Ann Vossler Profile
Ann Vossler answered
It could be nothing but then again it could be something.  I would go see the doctor as soon as possible.  Better to be safe than sorry.

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