
My Knee Hurts When I Walk Up Steps Or When I Get Up From A Sitting Position. What Could Be The Cause?


14 Answers

Charlotte St. Aubyn Profile
The most likely problem with your knee, from what you describe, is called Chondromalacia Patellae. Essentially this could be due to some damage or ‘softening’ underneath your knee cap.

But first, let me explain what a knee looks like. The end of the femur (thigh bone) articulates with the top of the tibia (main bone of your lower leg). On the front of your femur, is the patella (the knee cap) which moves up and down as you flex and extend your knee, travelling in a groove in the femur. Between the femur and the tibia are two crescent shaped bits of cartilage (the menisci) which act something like cushions.

When there is a lot of pressure between the patella and femur typically, when load is applied to a bent knee, you can feel pain. This might occur when you go up and downstairs, get up from a chair or from the floor, squat, kneel etc. Twisting injuries can also lead to injuries of the menisci, and typically these cause intermittent pains, aching in the knee, periodic swelling and locking of the knee.

Why this occurs is difficult to explain in a short space, it is more frequent in young women. There are several therapeutic options.  The simplest initial treatment is to exercise your quads, in particular your VMOs (Vastus Medialis Obliquus). What you do is lie in bed, legs straight out. Turn your foot outwards, and lift your legs up and down. You should feel some tightening of the muscles on the inner side of your thigh. Do this twice a day, for about 10 minutes. It takes a while to settle down, and sometimes needs more drastic action, so if it does not go away you should consult your doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I hurt my knee a month ago had an xray it wasnt broken, because I was on holidays I did a lot of walking and travelling, it hurt a lot but didnt need pain killers because wine was my pain killer, and it helped me sleep, now that the holidays are over I'm doing all I can to stretch and exercise it, lucky it doesnt seem to be any worse I can now walk up stairs and down without the sharp pain so it must be getting better, the thing I notice the most is that the bad knee seems to lock now and than and I walk with my knee really straight, so now I try to pratice walking with my knees a bit bent, its hard to explain but I hasnt locked for 4 days now. So I think exercise is the best thing for some types of knee problems, but if you are still in pain and its not broken than you will need an MRI , but as ive been told by people that have had broken knees if its broken you will be in a lot of pain and wont be able to walk at all..holidays over and so is the wine drinking I'm just glad my knees getting heaps will keep the exercise going ,just down load from the internet ,google knee exercise. Good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My knees hurt when I go up and down stairs or when I get up from sitting, in the morning to get up my ankles hurt
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Knee hurts more at the top of the knee cap and is swollen on the outside of the knee, hurts more when getting up from a sitting position
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Help me I hurt my knee about a month ago cheerleading and now it is hurt again and my mom doesnt believe me but I  need to see a doctor or something I can't walk on it I mean I can but it hurts like really bad!!!! Help me I need some advice we have crutches at home should I use them???? Just help me please!!!!
Brian Reed Profile
Brian Reed answered
You should see an orthopedic specialist. Do not let the knees get arthritis or you will suffer with it for the rest of your life.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem! I can't walk without pain even with a knee brace on. Even then the only thing that helps it is a crutch. What should I do?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to the doctor or physical therapist because it just gets worse if you do nothing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your knee pain could be caused from a number of things, age, weight, activeness etc. I think you should try and figure out in what specific area of the knee it bothers you and research that specific area.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That's happening to me now and I broke it. If it's swollen and you can't bend it past 90 degrees (like me) you soooo broke it. Go to a doctor ASAP (Act Swiftly Awesome Pachyderm!)
ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
You have not mentioned that this condition causes pain or not. If you have pain while walking then it might be the osteoarthritis. If no pain, only swelling and loosening of the knee then it can be due spinal stenosis. As you are patient of spinal stenosis, so visit first a neurosurgeon.
He will guide you after proper diagnosis. For more details, visit osteoarhtritis, spinal stenosis.

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