
How Long Can You Live With 4th Stage Cirrhosis?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They are right, your husband has to want to stop drinking, occasionally if you can get the entire family together and one the same page you can do an intervention but this may not work either.  Look in the phone book or on line for the nearest AlAnon meeting.  AA is for the alcoholic, AlAnon is for the family members.  Stop enabling him, when he says he start stop drinking tell him that 2 million people have stopped in AA, give him the phone number and tell him he needs to call them.  If he doesn't call then tell him he doesn't want to quit, it has nothing to do with he can't.  Stop saying he drinks to much and start saying he's an alcoholic.  Don't lie for him, don't give him money, don't give him a ride to the store.  If you know he is driving call 911 and report him, you might save a life.  If he says he is ready to go into treatment, give him the phone number and tell him to call them.  Then go to AlAnon meetings, daily if possible.
I've been on both sides of this issue, not only does he have to be ready to change but you do too.  This is a family disease and you are sick too.
I pray that you get help today.  Also check out and alanon website.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have already answered your own question, and I think you know it but still are in denial. There is NOTHING further you can say or do except to cut him out of your life completely, and it doesn't sound like you are willing to do that.  Your husband DOESN'T WANT to get well and apparently has no intention of getting any help.  He's his own worst enemy and it sounds like he just plain wants the inevitable, to die, and he will.  I don't mean this to be depressing, just realistic at this point.  You need to focus on yourself at this point and stop 'enabling' him and not be 'part of the problem'.  Start seeking help for yourself by going to AA and ask for help to get YOURSELF thru this, NOT HIM!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have been at stage 4 since July/2006 the longer before I transplant the better. I am looking forward to a long life with my 2 sons.  RD
Annie Black Profile
Annie Black answered
I'm sorry to hear that about your husband. My brother in law went through a liver transplant because of cirrhosis ( his brother gave him 60% of his liver)
He wasn't on top of the list for the transplant because this was self induced ( alcohol related)...Your husband needs a transplant NOW but most of all, he needs to STOP DRINKING! Don't tell me he can't because he can...he has to want to live more than he wants to die. Talk to his doctor and express your concerns..don't enable him ( your husband) any further...put your foot down and DEMAND he stops didn't marry him to become a young widow because of his stupid actions did you?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Please answer me ! My mom means so much to me and never drank a lot every night or anything ! She's so special and sweet to everyone and always has been so very nice and kind !!!!

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