Not long I believe. The liver is easily one of the most important organs and without its blood filtering and other important processes the body simply cannot liver. Also, in many cases of liver failure; I believe it is common that the toxins that have not been able to be processed by the liver can build up and actually cause kidney failure; which, yet again will ultimately lead to death.
This all depends on will to live and if the person is getting dialisis. One can never tell, my cousin on dialysis for a whole year, and did not make it. Depends on how far gone, how much damage was done, as well as what treatments the person if doing currently
4 years
Only God knows that. It is different in all people. My dad had liver disease, but he didn't develop yellow skin, he choked on some water and started coughing so my mom took him to the hospital, they admitted him and took him down to xray he came back up and was talking to his roommate and then he said he was tired and going to take a nap and his roommate heard him gasp and that was it. You just never know when it is your time to go.
My aunt is dying of liver failure. She has been comatose for 5 days. She is swollen, there is a pungent odor and Hospice doesn't understand how she is still hanging on. She is filled with fluid and has had the death rattle since going comatose. She has not taken in food or water or has voided or anything else . How much longer can her body take this stress. It is so hard to see and hear her in this final stage and not know what to do. Please if you have any answers on this. It is so hard on her family. I don't know how she is still holding on.
It depends on what you define as "final" stage of kidney failure. If one is at a stage where the kidneys have completely shut down and not making any urine, that means it is a matter of hours to days before death occurs. Survival time depends on what other illnesses the patient is facing or their metabolic state at the time of their kidney failure.
Yes sort of, due to the fact the sac has filled with water as a wall of protection for the unborn and forming fetus....the best to you