What Causes Extremely Bad Hip Pain?


4 Answers

wilbert u can call me sue Profile
There are many reasons for hip pain. There could be a lack of calcium, which is causing deterioration in bone density. As well, there are muscular reasons, if you pulled, without realizing. There is also the possibility that you slept on it wrong. If this condition progressed, or worsens, best to see doctor to determine underlying cause.  You may need a supplement, or muscle relaxent etc. Hopefully, this condition will clear on it's own.  I pray it is not due to bone deterioration as this may involve extreme measure as in surgery, hip replacement.  Best to get X Ray or ultrasound, but remember to rule out all other possibilities first
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If with exercise, it could be a circulation problem and intermittent claudication. You could have some clotting going on there. It can also be meralgia paresthetica or sacroiliitis. You would have to use the symptom checker on wrong diagnosis.com, Mayo Clinic, UCSF, or the Cleveland Clinic to see which one matches most of your symptoms. I would ask for a needle biopsy to acquire fluid to see if there is a bacteria there. I did not know bacteria from the bladder or elsewhere can get caught up there. That is my next step in the endless journey I share.
Geni clubbs Profile
Geni clubbs answered
I don't know extremely bad oldness?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is caused by like if you crack it or something

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