
What Causes Leg Pain At Night It Awakes Me Out Of My Sleep.?


11 Answers

lesley louis Profile
lesley louis answered
There are many causes of leg pain, so it is difficult to give a definitive answer without having more information.  A doctor would want to know more about your age, state of health, how long you’ve experienced the pain, what part of the leg is affected, whether you had suffered an injury and so on.

The simplest and most common cause is probably pressure on one or both legs which can cut off blood supply to the muscles, causing a type of ‘pins and needles’ sensation.

On the other hand, this could be just a leg cramp.  Muscle cramps are extremely common, and nearly everyone experiences a cramp at some time in their life.  Dehydration and low levels of minerals like calcium, iron, potassium or magnesium, some of the B vitamins and certain medicines, can cause cramps.

Several complaints that affect joints, muscles tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, skin or nerves can also cause pain in the legs at night.  Being overweight can also lead to problems, as can a pinched nerve.

Diabetes can also suffer from a condition known as diabetic neuropathic pain brought about by poor circulation.  On the other hand, the blood vessels may be involved and PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease), a disease in which plaque builds up in the arteries and limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the legs, needs to be ruled out.

Other conditions that would need to be considered are deep venous thrombosis, (i.e. Blood clots) especially if you don’t move about much, smoke or take contraceptive pills.

If the pains persist, you would be wise to consult your healthcare practitioner who will probably set your mind at rest.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
At 67 had terrible leg pain at night in bed--usually toward morning. Tested for nearly everything. Noticed my Vitamin D level was low and bone density was also sub-normal from test results. I began to supplement with 1000 units of Vitamin D daily and all pain virtually gone in 48 hours. Now take 2000 units to make sure. Dr was pleasantly surprised. He and two other specialists did not consider this connection.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Leg pain wakens me at night--pain usually in both legs from knees to ankle. No swelling or discoloration of leg.. Having fairly frequent calf muscle cramping usually in Rt. Calf.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This can be caused by several different reasons, but one that I know of is a lack of potassium in the diet. Bananas are a great source of potassium, so you may want to try eating a banana about an hour before bed to see if this may help.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I was awake most of the night because of pain in my right leg...I put my leg in several positions and it didnt;t help but when I got up and walked the pain seemed to go away but came back when I laid down.... I'm going to try to eat a banana and get more calcium and see if this helps as I don;t get enough calcium  and also I'm going to start taking a multi-vitamin.. I'm 62...
Lori Howell Profile
Lori Howell answered
I was told by my doctor it is a calcium deficiency. I started taking vitamins and drinking more dairy and I do not have any more cramps in my legs at all night or day.
Debra Kalynuik Profile
Debra Kalynuik answered
I have been having bad hip and leg pain at night for several years but only just found the cause  recently. It is caused by my cholesterol medication, which I take before I go to bed. It is called STATIN MYOPATHY, and it seems to be affecting a large number of people who take it. I used to be very active and have a lot of energy but since taking this medication, I am fatigued ALL the time and even a bit of exercise will cause extreme muscle weakness in my legs. I , personally, have been using Crestor, but others cause it as well. There are some cholesterol meds that won't do this, so talk to your Doc about it. I am so relieved , at long last, to know why I feel this way! If you Google STATIN MYOPATHY you'll find some helpful info
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a lot of pain in my left leg from the top to my knee I cannot sleep with it as it really hurts  I wonder if there is a cure for this,I'm always eating banana's   jo2
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve can also cause pain,numbness and even weakness (if that occurs you have to go immediately to the doctor!) in one or both legs. It gets worse from sitting. I had\have it too. About a month ago after some lower back pain couldn't sleep the whole night because of pain in my right  foot. Apparently the problem was in my spine, one of the bones was\is pressing on the nerve and the nerve got infected which resulted in the pain in the right foot. Thought I was better after going to the doctor, but couldn't complete the whole course and the pain came back tonight again. Although I've been eating all possible vitamins, doing stretching and so on did not get rid of it yet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thank goodness for this topic. Mine started last month - first from covers causing pressure on the right leg; then when I got rid of the down comforter, that leg still hurt at night, and awakens me with intense muscle pain mostly from the knee down. The other leg doesn't seem to be affected. There is no visible swelling, and this is my strongest leg! I have increased my calcium because I was taking too little, all other supplements are as usual.

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