How Hereditary Is Mental Illness?


9 Answers

Lovika Grover Profile
Lovika Grover answered
Hereditary is an adjective of heredity. It means the transfer or shifting of characteristics from the parents to their siblings or offspring's. It is transferred either through genes or through inheritance. For instance, the crown of the nobility is passed on from one person to the other according to the relevant laws and customs. Heredity and differences form the foundation of inheritance.

Human's functional information of inheritance in prehistory by the means of the domestication and reproduction of plants and animals. In contemporary research, inheritance endows with important gears for the examination of the purpose of a particular genetic material. Within the creatures or organisms, hereditary information usually is passed in chromosomes, where it corresponds to in the chemical arrangement of particular DNA molecule.
Mac Welch Profile
Mac Welch answered
The development of traits that all things possess in the natural world is something that we have the opportunity to see all around us. This set of traits is the result of many different factors. One such factor is heredity. Heredity is the process of inheriting traits from the "parents" to the offspring of any living organism found in nature. This concept is strongly associated with that of genetics. This can be displayed in many different ways for any given organism. Heredity has a major impact on such things as size, color, and texture of many natural objects that we see in our everyday lives. It also has a major affect on things within these objects that we can't see. Many times, traits from multiple generations back for a particular object can be found in the object itself. Heredity is an inherent factor in the development of all living organisms. It can be seen in the development of humankind, animals, plant life, and basically all living organisms. So, the next time that you see a flower, animal, or another person, you may want to consider how they developed the traits they have today on the basis of heredity.
Steve Theunissen Profile
Some persons have a predisposition toward mental illness. They are not very well equipped at birth to cope with these stresses. It is like persons who are born financially poor compared with others who are born rich. Certainly. those born poor are far more likely to run into debt, or land on the welfare rolls, than those born rich. Similarly, due to heredity some are born "poor" emotionally and so are more likely to run into "debt" psychologically, and suffer some form of mental illness.

Supporting this illustration and conclusion are the words of Dr. David Rosenthal: "In most cases, an inherited factor needs to be present for schizophrenia to develop. However, without severe environmental stresses the illness may not appear in those who have a predisposition to it."

Research has disclosed that the closer one's blood relationship to a schizophrenic, the greater the likelihood that one will also become a victim. Thus if one parent is afflicted, there is one chance out of six that a child will be also. If both parents are, the chances are four chances out of six.

That schizophrenia might have such a physical source was demonstrated by a group of psychiatrists who injected blood from schizophrenics into two normal prison volunteers. Soon after the injection, one lapsed into a stupor-like state and had hallucinations. The other became paranoid; he suspected everyone was talking about him. After about two hours both became normal again.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
It seems a stretch that a blood injection could be a direct cause of psychosis in volunteers, because the disease is developed over time in relation to brain development in late teens to early twenties.
Jeanette Cauldwell
I don't beileve for one second that the transmission of blood from schizophrenic patients caused schizophrenic symptoms in otherwise healthy people. That's ridiculous. The blood bank would have to start screening for mental ilness! Also, Schizophrenia, when biologically based, is has to do with a cluster of genes, not one's blood.
Fangju Fangju Profile
Fangju Fangju answered
Heredity is by gene transfer, so that future generations obtain
parental characteristics. Genetics is the study of this phenomenon the subject,
now known life on Earth exist mainly as the genetic material DNA. In addition to
genetic, the decision to have biological characteristics of environmental
factors, and environmental and genetic interactions.
ananth aple Profile
ananth aple answered
John Gregor Mendal -1859 -who was monk who experimented with Pea - flowers, by crossing with characters taking into consideration. who was the father of Genetics-Heredity is one of the subjects.
HEREDITY:- is a Gene of a character present on the chromosomes as spotted in a DNA Strand. where the particular character of the Gene carried over the next generation from Parental to the offspring. Character may be colour of hair, skin, eye ball colour, mind power, knoweldge grapsing power, may be anything. etc.,
Heredity can also be defined as inherited characters gene transmisssion thro Chromosomal Starands, it may be suppress character or dominent characters, depends on the gene activity.
To talk about Genetics or Heridity it is a long and interesting mathematical calculations,and dipress - Addition - multiplications characters. It cannot be said by few sentences.
Kaley Mayhew Profile
Kaley Mayhew answered
I title or right based on inheritance. Like how the oldest son of a king will usually become the next king... Also, things that can be passed genetically down to you by your parents. Such as mental/emotional illnesses...
aileeny Profile
aileeny answered
They are all of the characteristics that an individual receives from his/her parents,that are contained within the ova and sperm at fertilisation. The parents also having received their characteristics from their parents and so on up through the family pedigree.  Apart from identical siblings twins, triplets, quads etc, no two people have ever been ,are now or will be the same and we are all unique.    This is ensured through sexual reproduction where parental chromosomes line up, find their homologous partner and join up  and "cross over " (recombination) at random points and exchange DNA, during  meiotic cell division
    Hereditary traits are also passed to offspring in asexual reproduction methods (having one parent), where the offspring are a clone of the lone parent as they receive their unadulterated genome.     Taking a cutting from a plant is one example of reproducing asexually.   Other methods such as being hermophrodite ,either self fertilising or using sex ,like some earthworms , also pass down characteristics according to their own species.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think hereditary mean don't now

And I need help what it mean

Because I am do my homework tonight

I am do my best to get a 100 ok

On my homework go night I do not now what hereditary

And I am do my best to now what hereditary

Because I do have a test and do best to

Past it because I have a A in socal s. Class

And I do care about a A it is so fun I have a  enter too

Do you now me do you don't you now do not talk yo me

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