There are actually quite a few different reasons why your skin may be painful to the touch with all of them requiring doctor and in some cases specialist help to treat the condition. To begin with we will touch on the less sever which is stress. Stress can cause a wide range of physical symptoms even when the actual definition of stress places it as a physiological one. It really is strange how the body works but stress can actually manifest itself into sleepless nights, rashes, skin pain, headaches and lots more besides. Sometimes the answer to ridding yourself of painful skin can be as simple as taking a really hot bath, doing relaxation exercises and getting a really good night's sleep. In other cases when the stress becomes depression you may need to seek out your doctor's help where they will put you on anti-depressants which will then over time reduce and then finally remove any pain from your skin due to touch.
But there are other medical reasons that could cause skin pain which require medical attention without a doubt and can be treated successfully. These diseases include ME, Fibromyalgia, CFS, Post viral infection, Hypoglycaemia, Shingles, Post therapeutic neuralgia and HSV1 & HSV11. These are just a small number of the diseases that could be causing this pain you are feeling. Everyone of them requires testing but once those tests are completed you can tick off each and every one of them that it is not and wait until you get to the right answer, in the mean time your doctor should be able to prescribe you something to help you cope until they find the right diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.