What Are The Symptoms Of A Bleach Allergy?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I suffer with terrible headaches like migraines, face pain, blurry eyes, irritated nose and throat - overall, I feel pretty unwell indeed. I only came into contact with the slightest amount of bleach.

I have many allergies, and unfortunately this seems to be the latest one.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am allergic to Clorox Bleach. When I use it for cleaning, it has these effects:

  • It upsets my stomach
  • Gives me headaches
  • Gives me a runny nose
  • I get itchy red eyes
I have been using a product called Cloralex, which comes in a green plastic bottle, and I have had no allergic reaction to it.  There is no strong smell or fumes, either.  Works for me!

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