I have the same thing, it hurts almost my entired leg all the way to my right cheek, I think the pain started while I was workin out, I can't lift my leg up and it hurts the most when I try to keep it straight when I'm layin down, hurts when I sit down and wehn I stand up,,HElp plz its been gettin worse everyday that goes by,,
I Have Pain In My Right Leg. It Started In My Calf Going Up The Back Of My Leg To Behind My Knee Now The Back Of My Thigh To My Cheek And Now Starting To Go To My Goran It Feels Like I Have To Make My Leg Go When I Walk. I Can't Lift My Leg Up.any Help?
When having this pain did you notice any knots or lumps in your leg? There are many reasons behind leg pain,but only two I know of as you describe, and they are blood clots that come with deep vein thrombosis,I would have this checked out by your doctor for a true diagnosis,this reminds me of when my husband had the same problem,and it was clots,please,go and see your doctor and explain what you have here to him so that he can help you.Good Luck.
I have abad pain in my left calf it hurts the more I walk on it .
The calf does not have veins lay down and rest your leg and go swimming and small exercise see doctor to what exercise you have to do.
The calf does not have veins lay down and rest your leg and go swimming and small exercise see doctor to what exercise you have to do.
I have really bad pain in my left leg above the knee having had this for over 2 weeks and the pain is getting more painful, I can't bend my leg at the knee or even kneel on this left leg and if I bend or crouch down the pain is excruciating what can this be 2 weeks ago I went into hospital and had my right shoulder manipulated while asleep I'm just wondering if maybe a nerve as been trapped.